Monday, July 27, 2009

A weekend on the couch

It was a pretty unusual weekend for us, we spent pretty much the
entire weekend house bound and consequently on the couch in front of
the TV. Zachary was sick (first big illness since he was born) and
just wanted to be cuddled by someone all day, which really limits what
you can get up to. It really hit him Friday night with high temps and
being nervous first time parents one of us stayed with him all night
to keep an eye on his temp. So the night turned into part nurse duty
part 'Torchwood' marathon for me. Zachary slept on the couch next to
me so I could check his temp and to keep myself up until my change
over at 430 I decided to start clearing the Foxtel iQ2 of Series 2.

It worked pretty well with the ad breaks being the perfect interval
for checking on the littleone.

In the end we had to cancel all our social engagements and as a result
we spent a lot of time in front of the TV and managed to finish of a
few shows:
How I met your mother season 4
Up to date with Dollhouse
And half a season of Torchwood

So now to find a few more shows to watch, I think the first cab off
the rank will be Mad Men.

The one thing I did learn over the weekend is that it is entirely too
ezy to buy things on the appletv, so easy in fact a 9 month old can do
it. I gave Zachary the harmony to play with at one point and despite
changing the device it was controlling he managed to switch back to
the appletv and random his way to a movie purchase. A $25 lesson well
learnt :)

Sent from my iPhone

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