Monday, June 01, 2009

A post on the move.

It's been a long time since i've written a post on my way to work. Some of that is due to the fact I walking there more often than getting the bus and some of it is because I've been using the Xperia (it annoyed me so much that i've upgraded back to the Nokia 6110 Nav I had).
The last week and a half has been a bit crazy. Last weekend we seemed to go from one social engagement to another finally ending with my Dad's 60th birthday party and a flight to Singapore. The party was great but went a bit longer than I thought which left me on a tight schedule to pack and get to the flight.
It was my first trip on singapore air and I was very impressed. Even after sleeping through most of the flight. The inflight entertainment is great even in economy with widescreen monitors and hours of on demand content.
I don't have much to say about Singapore itself it was a pretty whirlwind trip. Leaving sunday night at 11pm arriving at the hotel about 7am Monday conference for 2 days back at Singapore airport by 7pm and good Wednesday at 640am. The only sightseeing I managed was a trip to the Long Bar at Raffles for a Singapore Sling and a trip to an electronics tower for some bargaining. The real downside from the trip was the perforated eardrum and infected sinus which knocked me out for the rest of the week (although i seemed to be doing a lot of work, i think it just stopped of from seeing customers). Anyway that's enough for this trip, off to work I go

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