Sunday, April 19, 2009

What is it with us and loud neighbours

I'll warn you now this blog post is going to be a whiny one... read on
at your own peril.

It seams that we seem to have a run of noisy neighbours. For quite
some time we had the techno junkies living on one side of us. Their
music wasn't too loud so m:uch as just their sub. I couldn't hear the
rest if the track but the sub was so loud and close to our wall that
all I heard was the sub track. It was so loud that we had to take the
pictures off the wall they vibrated enough to knock one off the wall.

Those neighbours have left and we have new ones on the other side of
us. I think they are worse (better the devil you know I guess). These
guys play their music so loud that I can't hear my tv (ok so I could
turn it up louder I'm sure the THX speakers and 500w sub would be
happy to oblidge but this at my normal listening level). It feels like
they only have about 6 songs on their play list: TLC, Whitney Huston,
Seal, Destiny's Child, Sophie B. Hawkins and the Summer Days song by
Pez. They top it off with yelling along with the music or just
yelling. I don't know if it's because it's uni holidays but they are
just playing the music all day. thankfully the yappy little dog that
came with them is gone. I'm currently working on a retaliation
playlist consisting of every wall shaking bass track i can think of.

Sent from my mobile device

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to say this quickly and then run away to avoid a slap on the wrist from you, Ness or my husband - your neighbours are further away in a house.
