Monday, April 20, 2009

Biking and Zachary...

At the moment I'm not doing much (read any) cycling since Zachary came along. It's not as much of a complain as it sounds. The time I'd normally be riding I actually get to walk along the river watching the sunrise pushing the pram.

I have been toying with the idea of combining the two though. While pushing the pram is nice it has limited distance capabilities. I did find the ideal option the Taga bike pram

Unfortunately I haven't found anywhere in Australia that you can buy them. However, on the weekend I stumbled across what seemed to be the perfect alternative, the Gazelle Cabby.It looks like a great design and has all the bases covered, admittedly it's not the coolest looking bike around but not many of the kid+riding options have "cool" written on them. The biggest problem is the cost with this one... $3500 is a lot for a bike (considering my current bike set me back less than $200). It almost comes in as a car replacement, being able to make trips to the shops and city with groceries in tow (lets face it, that carry spot in the front is as big as the boot in the MX-5) but I still haven't talked myself into the justification yet.

There are other alternatives such as the trailer and seat. The seat is out at the moment as Zachary is still too little. The trailer I have some (probably unfounded) reservations about with concerns of traffic. There are some trailer options on ebay for a much more reasonable cost that also turn into jogging prams (which means you've still got baby transport options when you arrive at your destination).

The trailer is the obvious fiscal choice but for the moment, I'm going to be sitting on the fence trying to talk myself into the $3500 car/bike/shopping trolley  hybrid.

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