Monday, March 16, 2009

A weekend of rearranging...

This weekend we did a bit of rearranging in the house... We'd accumulated a bit too much furniture and now with Zach taking up a room all of his own we just didn't have space for it. We also wanted to change some of the layout in the lounge room and create a wall of cupboards. This time, however, instead of trying to cram everything into our C4 we hired a 1 ton hiace van on Saturday and started moving. The van was so much easier than a ute because we didn't have to tie anything down.

We managed a trip to the RSPCA op shop to drop off the furniture, a trip to ikea, back to Amanda and Tom's with their ikea loot and to pick up our rocking chairs to be recovered, back to Studio 54 and then off to drop off the chairs. Considering the ~$100 it was to hire the van all up it was well and truly worth it, much easier than the stress of a car burdened with Ikea boxes.

Yesterday we spent most of the time rearranging and building Ikea bits and pieces. It was a bit slow going as I've been sick with a stomach bug since Wednesday (but unfortunately have too many deadlines to take time off work) and someone had to watch Zachary but we managed to get most of it done.

The best change of the weekend though was the modem/router box from ikea... hides all the gear away beautifully.

1 comment:

  1. sorry to hear you have been sick. hope you feel better

    I look forward to seeing the new setup!
