Friday, January 23, 2009

Twitter is making me blog more!

It's a bit strange really but since I've started to use twitter a lot more it's actually compelling me to blog more rather than less. I think because I've captured the points of interest during the day I've got more queues to elaborate on at the end of the day. This post is here only because I'm waiting for my lunch and company to turn up and i'm trying not to internet shop from my phone (paypal is entirely too easy to access from my phone). Which brings up another good point. Not long ago I would have found it hard to imagine being able to shop effectively from my phone let alone the ease that I've got now (and that's even without an iphone), now however I'd be hard pressed to remember before I had this level of connectivity. Let's face it, I could have ordered my lunch from my phone while I was walking down had I not been dodging the rain.
How can you not love the intertubes.
(well that's probably just about enough lunch time ramblings for one day)

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