Saturday, January 17, 2009

Shopping for a new camera.

Last weekend Ness announced that she liked the sound that a Digital SLR made when she took a photo. As a result I've been having a bit of a look around for a new camera. For the last few years I've been using a Fuji SuperZoom, the S9500, for a while (2 in fact after I lost the first one). I've always picked one of these type over an SLR because I'm not a big fan of having to carry around a bag full of lenses. I like taking photos but I'm not very serious about so picking which DSLR to go for is a bit hard. I thought I'd try and stick with a budget similar to that of the S100fs, Fuji's replacement for the camera I use at the moment, for body and lenses.

So far I've been looking at the Pentax K200D, Sony A200, Nikon D60 , Olympus E-520 and the Canon 1000D.

It's a hard decision to make, I'm tending towards the Pentax K200D for a few of reasons. First of all there is the price, the body is on sale for about $569 which is almost $200 cheaper than 1000D. Another attraction is the performance in the reviews while not being top of the class it's certainly no slouch and considering the cost difference it's hard to ignore. It hasn't passed the sound test so all could change.

The next big thing is to decide what sort of lens to get. I'd really like to get a lens similar to what I'm used to but the cost seems a bit prohibitive at the moment. $1200 for a lens when the camera is only 569 seems a little wrong. I like the zoom I have now but I might have to go for something a bit more conservative. So many decisions....

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