Saturday, January 03, 2009

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year....

Hoping everyone had a great Christmas and a wonderful start to 2009.

There are so many things to post about it's hard to know where to start... I've started this blog post about a dozen times over the last week and a half and never got any further than the first paragraph.

This year was the first year (in as long as I can remember) that I didn't sing on Christmas day, I sang at the 'Eve carols service but with the lack of sleep from getting up to Zach I missed my wake up for the morning service.... oops.

I must admit, thought, it was nice not to have to travel anywhere on Xmas day. Being Zach's first Christmas we had the whole day at our house.

Ness's parents were up and staying with us, and Ben stayed as well to make sure he didn't miss out on any present opening time. Being only 2 months old Zach wasn't very interested in the whole present thing, although he wasn't sad about all of the people paying him attention 24/7.

My Parents dropped in for Morning tea so they could also see Zach for Christmas day and give him some more presents. Again he was just happy for the attention.
We order a Bouche de Noel from Bonjour for morning tea and it was just outstanding. Possibly the most delicious Gluten free cake in the world. The only downside to it was, it was well and truly all gone by boxing day.

The rest of the day was very much spent eating/drinking and sleeping only punctuated by some time with one of my (many awesome) presents, Guitar Hero.

One of the other things that I'd managed to miss blogging in the weeks leading up to Xmas was the fact we got new Kitchen appliances. With the almost all of the budget for our kitchen make over going to the Air conditioning repair/upgrade, we made a bit of room to get just the appliances changed (our hot plate still being broken). We swapped our ceramic hot plate for an Induction unit and it really is amazing how fast it can change temperature. We also changed the oven to a Pyrolitic oven so I don't have to clean it again. The oven had a work over for Xmas lunch and turned out a great turkey. The Air Conditioning has also been a huge hit over the holidays keeping the place more like an igloo than the hot box it's been outside. (Amazingly though I have turned it off this morning, really fresh air... who needs it!?)

That's about enough for one post....

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