Friday, January 09, 2009

A day with the little one.

On Wednesday I took Zach for the day (or at least part of it). We managed a walk down to the shops to meet my dad for lunch (turning into a real boys day out). He was a little angel on the walk and slept most of the way. Unfortunately he was hungry by the time lunch rolled around and not being the biggest fan of the bottle we struggled through lunch but ultimately I left a bit early with the Fuss pot. To his credit though he was an angel on the trip home as well. It was nice to have him to my self for a little bit. Although he does make it hard to get anything else done.
Continuing his angel baby run this week we went to moonlight cinema with Mandy and Tom. We got there a little late because Zach woke up for his feed just as we were going to leave but from then on he was all you could ask from him. Slept through the whole movie and barely made a sound when he woke up. Then slept the whole way home. To top it off the Movie (a french comedy) was pretty funny. I think we might have to try a few more moonlight cinema runs.

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