Thursday, January 22, 2009

Annoyances with Gluten Free Bread

Knowing one of my fellow GF friends is now on a Gluten binge reminded me of some of the big annoyances with being Gluten Free. My biggest problem with Gluten Free bread is not the taste or the consistency, there are some really good ones around now. The IGA even has a potato loaf that toasts like 'real' bread. The thing that annoys me the most is the size! It seems that no sooner have you bought a loaf that you're at the end, this is also compounded by the fact that the slices are so much smaller as well... 2 slices of toast for breakfast isn't really much, but by the time you've had 2 slices for breakfast and 2 sandwiches (4 slices) your halfway through the loaf.... (or in this mornings case, the last half way through the loaf).

I'm not expecting it to change anytime soon but a normal sized loaf would be nice.

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