Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Really how long does it take to write a post.

I started this post on Sunday and it's now Wednesday and i still haven't finished. Yesterday (Now should read Saturday) was a hot day! We had plenty of plans of going out yesterday but after a few hours out everyone was too hot and cranky to keep going so we cancelled the rest of our day and headed home to the sanctuary of the Air Conditioning. It certainly has been earning it's keep over the weekend.
I must admit I wasn't really prepared for how sleep deprived I would end up over the last 7 weeks and the heat certainly makes you feel every lost minute of sleep.
Work has been pretty busy as well with two projects trying to finish sign off before xmas. I've actually tried to had a day off in the last two weeks but each time have ended up with a meeting before 8am and the rest of the day filled. I was going to move the day off to the week before Xmas but it's filled up already *sigh*.
I thought I should put up some xmas present suggestions as well because I've been getting a few hints that I'm hard to buy for. 
So here goes: (in no particular order (and for the second time because my phone just powered off in the middle of typing and lost the list))

Indoor/outdoor Thermometer
Camera lightbox
Wii games
360 games
DS games
Cool/Retro/Gaming T-Shirts
Any of these Blurays
Any of these DVDs
iTunes Vouchers
Small Computer speakers (like Bose Companion II)
Tivoli Sub
Bluetooth mini keyboard
Guitar hero in any form
Real Arcade stools (or Kartell ones)
Astro Chair
Apple TV
New riding gloves/jersey/shorts
Cuff links (gaming or geek related is always good)
Any gluten free goodies

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