Thursday, December 04, 2008

It's official Coooooold in here.

The aircon is in da house!

From Aircon

The installation isn't finished there is still a lot of plastering work to be done but the big important job is done, the cold stuff is in! It's nice and cool in every room of the house now even when it's not blasting the air out. There is still all the finishing to be done, like boxing in the unit and the ducting into the lounge all of which will be done next year, but even now the cooling is better than ever.

I'm amazed at how quickly they got all the gear into our place and how they did it. When I checked it out at lunch that vent you can see in the photo above was being held in place by a guy in that ceiling space.

We did get some plaster work done but mainly patching up from where the lighting was done yesterday which looks great.

From Aircon

They've done a fantastic job and if anyone is looking for airconditioning I'd recommend these guys in a heart beat. Both days they've been here despite all the plaster cutting the house has been almost completely dust free.

1 comment:

  1. Great timing mate, lovely to see it all get installed, those guys must have worked like demons to get that done in a day.

    My only question is "why didn't you get the big one?"


