Sunday, November 09, 2008

Where did the week go???

This week I seemed to just loose days. It came to Friday and I was thinking were there really 5 days this week? Even now, it's Sunday morning and I can't believe it was Monday since I last blogged?!?

Anyway, we had a few more big milestones for Zach (even if they are social ones) our first trip to a Shopping centre and this morning I took him for a walk along the river. He really likes the trip in the pram and meeting all the new people going for walks. Turns out the early morning (6am) walk along the river is not an uncommon "Dad" practice around here, I gave the cursory nod to quite a few other pram wielding dads.

It wasn't his first trip out though, we took him out earlier in the week in the rain, he loved all the water on the roof of his pram and off to sleep he went... mission accomplised.

A little unexpectedly on Friday I scored a "hot lap" of New Farm in a Ford GT. I think it is easily the most insane car I've ever been in... ever.

Lastly (and probably least) I saw this during a late night surf... it's just amazing

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