Sunday, November 02, 2008

How you know tech is integral in your home...

Warning: this post may contain references to Zachary
This morning as we were trying to comfort and cuddle Zach back to sleep we were surfing for something to watch. (A. for entertainment but also B. because Zach is much easier to settle with noise going on)
After the great match in the EPL the other night we stumbled across another match and I heard Ness say something I though she would never say... "Eiw, it's in SD (SD => Standard Definition)" this is on top of her earlier confession that FoxHD should be from consolidated revenue not solely a tech purchase. This should make future HD tech upgrades easier to get by the board... I just hope the board doesn't read this :)

And because I put the disclaimer in I may as well make it worth while!

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