Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Back at work... Day 2.

Today is my second day back at work and it's certainly not as easy as I'd hoped. One of the big reasons is that the relative angel baby of the first 3 weeks has been replaced by the new Zach who loves to be awake from 1am until 5am. I'm due at a 7am breakfast and I'm very glad vice that we caught a map at 7pm last night. The worst part of the awake time is that he hates it if you sit down while he's being held so I can't even use the time to do constructive things. Still i wouldn't swap him for anything, i'd just like a little more shut eye.
Currently though i'd just be happy for my bus to turn up. I've been waiting over 20 mins for a service that is supposed to run every 10 mins.

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