Monday, October 27, 2008

What a difference a day makes

It may be 330am in the morning and Zach is awake but this time round he's been an angel and we've had so much sleep! I almost remember what it feels like when you had a full nights sleep. Really was that only 5 nights ago? Surely it was more like 50.
In things outside baby my laptop is officially broken. After a few more of the pretty rainbow lined screened I'm now getting bsd with hardware parity errors. Fingers crossed that it's a panel problem, and I can use it with my external displays at home. That would also be nice because my new monitor is due to turn up and being able to work on the 24" would make up for the fact the laptop is having a spat.
We had a fantastic turnout of visitors today! Thanks so much to everyone who's come to visit it's been fabulous to see everyone and big thank you for all the emergency food drops. We're due to head home tomorrow (which is actually today now I think about it) and fingers crossed we'll be able to introduce our gorgeous litte boy to our home. One thing I will miss about the hospital stay is the bottomless linen cupboard and the magical linen fairies who clean the dirty ones each day! Apparently they don't get vm come home with me.


  1. Yay. baby home at last.

    all that waiting for him to be born and now you finally have him with you.

    if only he would just sleep 12 hours at a time now - all would be perfect!

  2. and I am supposed to let you know I tagged you on my blog - so now you know!

  3. the funny thing is, I'm actually listening to that song as performed by Jamie Cullum... pft funny!

  4. The irony with that mick ^, that's where I got the inspiration for the title :)
