Thursday, October 23, 2008

Welcome to our cute new arrival

Cameron and Vanessa would like to introduce our son Zachary Elliot, born on 22/10/2008 10:45am, 7lbs 11 (3.4kg) & 51cm long. 

Zachary arrived a little unexpectedly by an emergency c-section because he insisted on having his hands over the top of his (37.5cm) head making it impossible to arrive any other (even after 4 hours of labour). So far Zachary has been a delightful baby even with mum and dad learning how to look after him. I'm proud to say we can now successfully change nappies. Despite his reluctance to arrive he has started feeding like a champion and has even managed to give himself a hickey on the hand.

Thank you to everyone for the wonderful well wishes (my phone is now flat from all the 200+ text messages) and gifts of flowers we feel very spoilt!
Thanks again from two very proud parents!


  1. So cute and perfectly formed! :) When does Vanessa get out of the hospital?

  2. Congratulations to you both. Zachary has a great birthday. Hope Vanessa recovers quickly.

  3. congrats again.

    He is so cute! and very well behaved.

  4. Cam... Welcome to fatherhood! You're going to love it. Boxy.
