Friday, October 03, 2008

Some other DSi Stuff... because let's face it, I'll be on this for a bit

There are some comparisons start to appear on the old vs new DS.

I do like the fact that the whole unit isn't much bigger even with the screen increase. I must admit that the biggest draw card for me though is the built in browser combined with the SD card over anything else. I've wanted a small factor laptop like the Asus EEE PC but really have no reason to get one. I've considered the browser for the Panda DS a few times but it's a little expensive at $70.

I think I might be ording one of Play Asia when the release date rolls around.

On other gaming news, the DS has been falling behind in the most popular console at moment simply because I'm not doing any travel and I've been walking to work or cycling so there is no bus love for the DS either. I've been clocking a few hours up on the 360 though mostly with CoD4. I've been playing a little online and can see how it became the most online title on the 360. I've moved the 360 to a dedicated setup now with a set of gaming headphones so I can play without disturbing the rest of the house. It's not quite the size of the projector or the samsung but it's quite playable on the 19" monitor and reminds me a lot of gaming many moons ago on my PC.

1 comment:

  1. Yeah it's the memory and purchaseable games that will get us, and depending on the price may do away with the R4s.

    Where'd you buy your cases from in the end and did you have to get a new screwdriver? I should try andmake my DS giftable when I get a new one.
