Sunday, October 19, 2008

A blog for a sunday

Yesterday we had a very lazy day at home. After a sleep in and a late breakfast of pancakes I settled into some gaming time while Ness got very creative with a christmas theme. I put some time back into Devil May Cry 4, probably just enough time to establish it's not really a game for me. It just seems to frustrate me more than anything. Ironically not the difficulty (most of the missions so far are pretty easy) but more the really slow stylized run the guy uses all the time. Honestly, you'd thing surrounded by thousands of demons he'd get a spring in his step. That pretty much every combo is driven from one button. I was really hoping for more of a God of War like experience but sadly not. I downloaded a new game from XBLA yesterday, Castle Crashers. It's a fantastic little side scrolling action game. Think old school Golden Axe with a bit of RPG thrown in. (i'm starting to think that RPG is the new black) this is truly a button masher but it's not expecting to be much else.

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