Sunday, August 31, 2008

San Francisco, here I come

I'm off to the US today. It hasn't really felt like a trip until today. It's pretty exciting (although I am a little nervous, leaving my Pregnant wife at home). I've checked in for my leg to the US, and in an unusual turn of fate the plane was over booked. There were no places left for me in Economy, so I was given the option of upgrade or get another flight.... so... I took the upgrade, I had to pay but it's better than waiting for another flight.

My first leg is off to Sydney and unfortunately I had to endure a Qantas leg. If you've read any posts on this blog before you'll know that I travel quite often. I always find Qantas service elitist, unhelpful and at times rude. Virgin aren't always super happy chirpy individuals but even on their worst day they are a good leap ahead of Qantas. Take today for example; I tired web check in which failed because my name has an unusual character... The rest of this story will have to wait... as I boarding.

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