Sunday, August 17, 2008

The bedroom v2.0 (inspired by ikeahacker)

Yesterday we spent much of the day finishing off bits and pieces for the new bedroom. We've gone for a whole suite from Ikea. The big draw card was the.. um... drawers. The bed has some great storage built in which means that we can hide away all sorts of bits and pieces (even Networking gear and media storage).

We did have to employ a few techniques worthy of Ikea Hacker to get the headboards and mirror on the wall. The biggest challenge was the mirror which took a bit of engineering after the standard method almost ended in disaster (and a lot of bad luck). A big thanks has to go to Tomas for giving me the design behind the mounts.

I think the mounts worked really well and the mirror looks great now it's on the wall. We're just waiting for some lights to be fitted now and it will be all done.

The other big help for the day was (the other) Tom who lugged all the old furniture out of house and the new stuff in.

The whole thing is here (with before and afters)


  1. Any time mate - happy to help out where I can, I love the new bedroom look, you should have shares in ikea :)


  2. That's a fantastic new look!
