Tuesday, July 22, 2008

A new site to let the time pass

After a bit of pestering from Amy, I finally signed up for Twitter. I must admit she was right it is just the perfect amount of blogging space...

You can check out my few twittererers.... what is the plural on that? here....

I haven't integrated it into my blogger yet... we'll see how well it holds up first.

In other news I finally got around to getting a new stylus for my old Beogram 4002 turntable. I was mostly spurred on by our trip to the design market in Melbourne and discovering that it's actually in the Museum of Modern art in NYC. Thought it might be worth restoring rather than just throwing in the bin. Of course that now means that I have 2 turntables, well I don't remember anyone saying you couldn't have 2 stereo rigs?

1 comment:

  1. You never asked me if you can have two stereo set-ups. Consider the question in a different context - can you have two girlfriends? Yes, but should you? That's the real question! And so the read issue is, should Cameron have two record players? And therefore two sets of speakers?
