Thursday, July 10, 2008

Chalk up another Premium Upgrade

I’m flying back to Sydney today and I’ve been lucky enough to get another upgrade to Premium which will be nice to get a bit of shut eye and miss all the school holiday kids on their way home... The big thing with the Red Seats is not so much the leg room but the extra arm room which makes using the laptop an option without having to dig my elbows into my next door neighbour.

It’s been a fairly quiet week, but it’s been great to be home (for what seems like an eternity but really only a bit over a week). I’ve caught up with a bit of gaming and some recorded TV. The big gaming addition for the week was Super Smash Brothers Brawl, which is just like the Game Cube version but better. It’s definitely not everyone’s cup of tea (even if you are a fan of the fighting genre). It’s currently up there alternating with Mario Kart as my no1 Wii game (although I am trying to put in some Wii fit time every day, except today). Mandy and I put in a few tracks online last night with mostly favourable results... My online rating is slowly climbing towards 7000. It’s a brilliant concept having dual screen play online, human players are always more fun to take on than the AI and it’s often you’ve only got one other player around...

We’re slowly moving towards being ready for the new arrival. We’ve order a few more bits of furniture and started clearing out a lot of the stuff we don’t use. It’s getting close to serious with the stereo wiring with hopefully a few quotes rolling in next week. I think we’ve decided on colours for painting so hopefully that won’t be too far away either.

The Tivoli setup has got a surprising amount of use. I’ve found myself just flicking it on in the mornings when I get up or at night when I get home rather than firing up the projector. Tom lent me a phono stage to do some testing with the Project turntable and it’s the best sound I’ve got out of it since I’ve had it. The DAFT PUNK LP kicked out really well and even when the bass kicked in it still held its own, it’s never going to shake the room (well not before I add the sub at least) but the low frequency don’t cause the unit to sweat too much. Most of its work, though, has been on the radio and I must admit a fair amount of that has been a classical channel. I think because the system just shines on classical music.

On less exciting topics though my laptop is starting to cause me a bit of grief, Vista is crashing on all too regular intervals. Its favourite trick at the moment is to crash and reboot every time it goes to standby. It failed completely earlier in the week and ran an automatic system restore which removed most of the applications that I’d installed since I got it, apparently this was the last “Stable” restore point... Of course it’s only after this that it won’t go to standby anymore.... *sigh*. I’m seriously considering the “upgrade to a more familiar experience” at the moment.

I’m off to Melbourne next week but it’s not actually for work. I’ve cashed in one of the public holidays that I’ve had to work; Ness and I are going to fly down Thursday night for a long weekend away.

That’s about it for this flight to Sydney, it’s time for me to try and claw back a few minutes of sleep...

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