Thursday, June 05, 2008

Wii (not so ) Fit

Since I've been home this week I've been slack on the blogging so here's a bit of an update.

As everyone is painfully aware (from all the complaining about flying in the last few months of posts) I've been flying back and forth for months now. During this I've done very little in the way of exercise (except for the work down to the hotel restaurant each day). So using that as an excuse to get back into some sort of exercise I picked up a Wii Fit in on of the stock take sales yesterday. The initial body test wasn't so great with a WiiFit age of 40 (feels like Wii Sports and Brain Training all over again).
I figure my need to get better stats (Xbox Live points I'm looking at you) will drive me enough to use it every day so I'll see how it goes. It's set me a goal to reach a BMI (the worlds most completely useless statistic) of 22 so we'll see how my progress with that goes.

1 comment:

  1. Wii fit is a lot of fun, I just have no idea how it works out your age, as it gave me an age of 33. I know my balance isn't brilliant, but that was just silly. A lot of the balancing games are fun to do over and over so it won't be hard to build up the stats I'm sure!
