Monday, May 19, 2008

A post for a Monday morning

Well we’re back at Monday again and I’m back on a plane, this post comes to you from 8900m above sea level (well technically it was written at that altitude but obviously I won’t be posting it until we land... we still don’t have Wifi on planes just yet). Yesterday was a bit of a role reversal for travel, Ness was off to a conference on the Gold Coast so I was the one staying home (well at least for one night) and bidding farewell. Being at home on my own I spent some quality time with the projector and settled in with a movie on the big screen. I’m still wading through the huge list of HD and BluRay titles that I’ve been accumulating. The new setup has made a substantial difference to the performance of the Sub. It’s now in the middle of the front 3 speakers directly under the sub and up against the brick wall. The deep bass is now much more integrated with the rest of the front stage and delivers the music aspect of soundtracks better than ever before. Explosions still have their same usual punch and deep rumblings as before, something the system never really struggled with. The best bit about the whole thing though was I got to use the projector in complete darkness something that doesn’t happen too often, no matter how good their ambient light performance, it always feels a bit more like a cinema when it’s just the light bouncing back off the screen.

We took the C4 for a drive on the weekend and will now be picking it up on Saturday. It was a bit of a shock going from MinX to the C4 but it was a really comfortable ride and the glass roof is just great.

We also started stage 1 of Paris preparations for the nursery. Although there isn’t anything that looks like a nursery, we’ve started relocating the study into other rooms of the house (or other people’s houses as the case may be. The iMac has found a new home on the Transformer bed and the gaming station is going to be relocated around the arcade table. The ‘Library’ as it’s now called has had the bookshelves rearranged and consolidated.

For those who are interested (probably no one but it helps pad this post) we’re now at 12600m above sea level.

As this is turning into a weekend update here’s the rest of our weekend, Friday night we went to Salon for a bon voyage dinner for Tom and Susan before they headed on their 6 week holiday. We went to Salon because Tom had missed out on the Slow Cooked Beef dish at my birthday party. So we had a bit of a Spanish style dinner with a Pork Belly, Slow Cooked Beef and Wild Boar dish. After one bite of the beef, though, Tom was hooked. We cut a deal with the girls and traded sweet desert for beef desert. Best Desert EVER!

1 comment:

  1. It was a great dinner thanks cam and ness - I was full for nigh on days :) spanish style desert was my fav

