Tuesday, May 06, 2008

Early Morning Flights

My favourite thing about morning flights, after being delayed of course, is a cancelled flight. You get up at stupid o'clock, cab it out to the airport, check in, try to scoff some breakfast to then be told you're flight was cancelled. I could have slept in to stupid o'clock +30 mins.

Anyway, as you can tell (from the previous post), there was some Mario Kart Wii action at my house last night. Mandy and Tom kindly bought over their copy and we played for a few hours over dinner. I still think it's fantastic (even though it's not my best karting effort ever). There is something about the new mario kart that I can't seem to master... I'm sure it will come in time.

I'm back to Sydney for the rest of the week. I'm meeting my folks there for a bit either side of the weekend (Mum is flying to Sydney for Mother's Day). I've got a double day today (on top of an early start) and I'm feeling tired just typing that. It's a half day requirements session, then a full day project hell, then a few hours on other project that's just starting.

Small update on the new cabinet, I was a little worried about how it would hold up heat wise being fully enclosed. Yesterday was a pretty good test with a full day of music (all be it not very loud) and then about 5 hours of Mario Kart (both the Wii and the Amp are in the same compartment) and while the cabinet was warm it wasn't at overheating levels. The big concern is when the fan forced heater (aka Xbox360) comes back into the cabinet. I have a place for it in a compartment of it's own so at least it won't be sharing it's heat around too much. Speaking of the 360 I started off it's repair process, which turns out isn't going to be a short process. I'm still waiting for a response from MS Support with a case number so I can send it in.

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