Saturday, April 05, 2008

Technology melt down....

There was a bit of a technology melt down tonight.... The 360 today had a bit of update for oblivion, which I've been playing just a little this weekend. The only trouble is that when I tried to turn it on tonight it had a little bit of a hissy fit and crashed. Now won't boot without a RROD and a E74 error on the screen. While the Xbox was having a bit of a cry it also managed to send a rogue signal over the HDMI connection which forced an emergency shutdown of the projector. Big red flashing lights are not something you every want to see (on either your projector or your 360)

Fortunately all is not completely lost. After the 5 minute shutdown and a power cycle the Projector came back to life. The 360 was not quite as lucky... there is some corruption in the memory card. Fixable but will probably require another HardDisk. Hopefully the 30+ hours of oblivion saves are recoverable...

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