Monday, April 21, 2008

A couple of weeks worth of posts....

It's been a couple of weeks since I've posted and a combination of guilt from Ben and a few others has let to a triumphant blog return...

The biggest news item of the fortnight is I had my birthday. I have a few photos courtesy of Tom... I was really sick in the week leading up to my party so I was lucky to make it. I had a great night though and it was fantastic to get everyone together. Ness has been a bit annoyed that my present is late but it has really drawn out the surprise... I did get some great presents though... even Amazon managed to mail me a present of about 16 HD&Bluray titles I'd been waiting on.

Being sick was a bit of a double edge sword, I did manage a week at home and not traveling which did lead to completion (at least rescuing of the princess) of Mario Galaxy, but on the down side my project (in Sydney) has taken a nasty turn and it's not the most pleasant place to work at the moment. As a result I'm back to the weekly flight to Sydney (coincidently I'm blogging from the Virgin Lounge in Brisbane... again).

I have started a new DS game which is likely to turn into an obsession (as all the previous titles in the series have). I finally got around to picking up the new Advance Wars title, which will not only have a great single player campaign, but now features online play which means I can waste away hours and hours battling it out.

It's a long weekend this weekend so I'm looking forward to 3 days not in Sydney and probably a bit of gaming thrown in. Ness picked up a Cricut on the weekend and is planning a mammoth session with it on Friday so I may just have to entertain myself with some DS time or the other current obsession of Battlestar Galactica. While I was sick I manage to knock over all of the First and Second Season. I ordered a copy of the bridging season Razor which turned up from (trusty) Amazon on Friday.

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