Friday, January 25, 2008


On the flight home last night I slipped into my normal flight home routine.
  • Magazine during take off (I did find the exact hifi cabinet in a copy of POL Oxygen Magazine that someone kindly left in my seat pocket)
  • Switched to What Hifi Magazine (after I flicked through POL)
  • Seat Belt light off and out comes the DS
This is where it starts to be a bit odd. I only had Ultimate Mortal Kombat with me because I left the rest of the games in my checked in baggaged. I seemed to be losing an unusually large number of times. (Not that MK was ever my best fighting game). I figured I was just tired and my reactions for blocking were a bit slow.... No turns out the right sholder button on my DS (the block button as it happens) doesn't work any more. Not sure what the exact cause is, athough there is a chance that there was a beer realated incident in it's past that may have contributed.

Clearly I need to get another DS although it's hard to justify on the grounds that only one button is faulty... I might have to find someone who only wants to use it for brain training etc and give it to a new home


  1. I have a better idea than giving away the DS. Install ScummVM on it and play Monkey Island.

  2. Hmmm depending on how broke your DS is and how much it's usefulness has declined because of it I might know someone who would give you some $$$ for it...
