Tuesday, January 08, 2008

New game time!

So one of my New Year's resolutions was not to buy a new game until
I'd finished one. The rule also went further to say it also has to be
for the same console. (there is a addition to the rule that i can sell
2 games instead of finishing one). We had a pretty quiet weekend at
home and as a result finished a few games. First of the list was Gears
of War which has pleased Vanessa no end, initially I thought it was
because of the violence but I think in reality it's so she can play
more Lumines. Next to go was CoD4 and Orcs and elves on the DS. So
I've been out in search of a new game or two. First port of call will
be a new DS game as i'm off to Sydney tomorrow and them Elder Scrolls
for the 360 when I get back.

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