Monday, December 03, 2007

Monday.... and back to the airport...

The trend continues and I'm back at the airport this morning ready for another trip to Townsville. It's not too bad this week because Suse will be up there for the same time as I will so there will be someone to catch up with for dinner.

Weekend Overview
We seemed to have a busier than normal weekend, first off we started trialling some grocery deliveries. Ness discovered a place called My Fruit which does a Fruit and Veg box delivered right to your door.

The box looked great and all the fruit looked great so I was a little inspired to do some juicing on Saturday morning. I thought I try for a combination with a bit of raspberry in it but it didn't turn out quite as I planned.
The juice itself was fine and quite tasty, but it wasn't so good for the juicer. The result of the berries in the juicer was something a little like blending a small mammal. The berries also don't juice so well, I think for the next run we will definately be squeezing the juice out of the berries separately.

We also manage to fit in a little bit of shopping on the weekend. We have some people coming to stay in the near future and the Desk Bed isn't going to really fit 2 people for a couple of weeks. After seeing some adds for these air beds on the web (and last week on the TV) we ventured to find one... A little (very little) haggling and a bit of a discount later we had the bed... The only real problem is that big boxes (like those of a queen sized air bed) don't fit in MX5s..

The other big event on the weekend was a huge session on the Wii with Mario Galaxy. I haven't picked up the game yet but someone come over on Saturday with their copy and 5 hours and 14 stars later we were still playing... I can see why all the reviewers are raving about it. The added 2 player function means that it's no longer a spectator sport if you're not controlling the little guy in blue and red. Playing one star each while the other plays the 2nd player support is great fun and the graphics are just gorgeous (even on the 100" screen). If you were having second thoughs about it... you should buy it today! I think it will need a few more sessions over the Christmas break so I'll be grabbing a copy as soon as I stop travelling.

That's about it for the weekend and my flight is about to board so until Townsville.

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