Thursday, December 06, 2007

It's up to you...

Alright... I've put up a poll on what you guys think I should buy next tech wise... quick Batman... to the polling booths


  1. I notice World of Warcraft isn't an option in your Poll Cam :(

    That counts as "tech" what gives? You know you want it, stop denying yourself! Search your feelings - you know it be true.

    Perhaps it's time to pay your wife's blogspot a visit ... If you will not turn to the dark side, then perhaps she will.

  2. I reckon the Asus eee. Myer is selling the base model for $500AU and it is super small but super useable. Linux of course but can run vista. I'd buy one if I had more time to kill time but unfortunately the use of a scooter doesn't allow for internet surfing time.
    Either that or the HD player Popcorn Hour.
