Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Rome - The Vatican and our last full day.

Today we braved the Vatican with the plan to see St Peter's Basilica and the Vatican Museum. After taking the long way to the Vatican we ended up at the end of the line... with a long wait ahead.

The line looked huge but we're prepared ourselves for a wait. With a bit of luck we stumbled across (for want of a better word) guide sprukers who pointed us to a tour and quick way into the Basilica. As our wait was at least 2 hours we figured it couldn't be too bad and jumped on board. It turned out to be a fantastic way to see the whole Vatican with just the right amount of info. Our guide was a Canadian (from Toronto, but he didn't know your Roman or at least not enough to give me a discount).

As promised the got us in fairly quickly to the museum and to the Sistine Chapel again with good information and straight into the Basilica.

The Sistine Chapel was amazing, even though it wasn't as big as I remember. No photos (which is to be expected) even thought there were enough people flashing away. The cleaning effort has restored the colours of the ceiling beautifully and it's incredible to think it was the first fresco done by Michelangelo

The tour guide was great and I'd recommend anyone else looking him up if you're in Rome and looking at the Vatican. It turns out he's starting his own world wide guiding service which should turn out ok given the professionalism and attentiveness today.

We toured the Basilica and the crypts before heading up to the Dome to get an amazing view over the Vatican City. A huge number of steps so we chickened out and took the lift part of the way.

It was a huge day at the Vatican, with over 6 hours in the Vatican complex alone. Still we ventured on and headed to the Castella St Angelo for some views over the city at sunset.

After being disappointed last night trying to get to Il Chianti, we made a reservation for tonight.When we turned up it was still busy and we had to wait for a table but it was worth it and a great last dinner in Rome.

Tonight is our last night in Rome and we fly home tomorrow afternoon. It's been a fantastic holiday and I can't believe it's coming to a close, but part of me will be glad to see home...

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