Monday, October 22, 2007

Rome (only 3 more sleeps until we leave)

First of all a Big Happy Birthday to my Gran who is 80 today!
Today we headed out to see some of the harder to get to (further out) ruins of Ancient Rome.
It wasn't our best day for travel with a fair bit of time sitting around waiting for busses but still a good day in the end.
Our first stop was to one of the longest sections of aquaduct in the city.

The Aquaducts

They stretch for (almost) ever and is completely amazing to think they were built around two thousand years ago. The other, slightly unexpected, sight was some sheep hearders. We spotted them moving a heard along the aquaduct but didn't really expect them to bring them down the road ( and neither did Vanessa) ...
After some lunch, I convinced Vanessa to ride the Appian Way. Not the smoothest of surfaces, the oldest cobble stones aren't exactly flat after 2000 years but it certainly was straight... Probably the most amazing fact was Vanessa agreeing to yet another bike ride though.
It's hard to believe we've only got another 3 nights here. We're having a quiet night in tonight as it's getting quite cold here and we both almost froze while we were looking for a place to eat.
Tomorrow we're going to catch the train to Naples and see Pompei!

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