Friday, September 28, 2007

The final days in Spain

Hello people - Vanessa today.

Yesterday we went to the giant cathedral in Seville. It was massive, and it was free, thanks to World Tourism Day.

Inside, it´s much like a normal cathedral only a scale bigger. The organ is bigger, the doors are bigger, and the side chapels are bigger. As with every church here, it´s built on older structures - in this case a mosque.

Columbus is buried at the cathedral; Mandy was close enough to an english-speaking tour to listen in, and could tell us that the four men holding the casket represent the 4 kingdoms of Spain, and the cross being held by one of the kings represents the Christian victory over the Moslem's.

Cameron wants to know if the segrada familar in Barcelona would be bigger than the Seville Cathedral. I vote for the Seville monument, but there´s a postcard on offer for the first person to find an answer ... :)

We had lunch at a great tapas place, El patio de san eloy, where Tom and I had anchovy sandwiches (delicious!), and Cameron had what he suspects is the best potato salad ever. Ordering reminded Cameron of the stock market floor, with lots of yelling and pointing.

Afterwards, we wandered around for a while before heading back to our little house in Antequera.

Last night we tried, for the second time, to go to a recommended place for dinner, and ended up in another restaurant, which ended up being connected to the original. Tom and I had the menu tipical, which was porra antequerana, oxtail soup and the traditional dessert. Amanda had rabbit, and Cameron had pollo, both followed by flan.

Today we are resting, and picking up Ben (if his train gets here). We also plan to take him to tapas for lunch ... should be fun for us at least.

In other amusing news, on Wednesday night Cameron went out to use the ´net, and buy wine. 2 hours later I was worried about him, but he made it home with the wine having blogged. The difficult part came when we drank the wine, and went to get another bottle. We thought we were getting a nice red but the shopkeeper, being helpful, told Cameron that this one was the one he wanted - which turned out to be sherry. We all tried to drink it, but failed. At least it´s a donation to the house.

Anyway, we have to now book a few things and move on, but I´m sure there will be more blogging from the airports tomorrow, or Venice soon enough.

Vanessa and Cameron.

1 comment:

  1. Pretty sure the Segrada Familiar is much taller, although I suspect the catherdal might be bigger inside? (Google says so too, but can't confirm the accuracy...)

    Do I win?

