Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Europe 2007 - Day 5 - (A Wet) Prague

Hello again from Prague,

It's raining today - a nice change from the heat but harder to walk around in. This morning we've had a later start, due to nearly killing ourselves yesterday with stairs.

We estimate that we did around 1000 stairs up and down yesterday. Apart from the walking generally, we climbed stairs around the castle (toy museum, powder tower were the worst), up Prague tower (399 stairs), through Petrin Hill (a hundred or so) and of course, up of our room (3 times). Consequently, we were tired and sore and napped :) We saw some nice things but right now all I can think of are my calves.

We also went to Strahov Monastery, and saw the library there - which was probably the highlight of the day. It was spectacular; everything a monastery library should be, complete with tomes of books, globes from the 1600s etc and a set of books bound with the bark of the trees that they described. Very cool. The rooms themselves were incredibly ornate, with ceiling fresco's and lots of gold :). I didn't take any photos as it was on a pay only basis and I didn't have my tripod with me.

Speaking of charging, yesterday it felt like we were bleeding 50Kc every door we walked through! Every place we went to yesterday charged for entry and then again for photos. In the end though it was worth ever minute!

I discovered my least favourite terrain while walking. Downhill cobblestones are horrible to walk down (especially after the 1000 steps of the day)!
Last night we wandered the bridge - very pretty - and had cheese and chocolate for dinner.

I've put a few photos up here from the last few days.
Europe 2007

From Vanessa:
Chantel - I had mexican with chocolate sauce yesterday, and will show you the photo when I get back :)
Ange - I've been having coffee and toast and thinking of you - can't wait to see the new pad ;)

Tech Update:
Universal Charging off the Ipod adapter is working well and the transfer to the ipod is also working a treat.

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