Sunday, September 16, 2007

Europe 2007 - Day 3 - Prague

Welcome to Prague!

After a delay in Seoul Airport we finally left for Prague about 1 hour late. It was a long flight but seemed to pass a bit quicker than the last (probably helped by the jPod book and the two decent inflight movies). Prague airport was a little lackluster after Incheon - much older and certainly not as shiny or full of as many shiny things. Immigration was no where near as scary as it was in Australia or Korea - less than 30 seconds which consisted of a look at the passport, a look at the person and a stamp. Customs was even easier - no cards, just a wander thru to the arrivals hall.

In a stroke of genius Ness had pre-booked a taxi for us so all we had to do was wait wander through the arrivals gate and look for our sign. The ride itself was our first lesson; Taxi drivers are the same everywhere, although this was probably the scariest taxi ride I've ever been in (behind the one falling asleep in Sydney). This driver took late braking, tailgating and speeding to a whole new level.  The best effort was the 120km/h in the 50 zone. Still the car was cool, and obviously had good brakes. To illustrate the situation, consider this hierarchy of braking :

Where Vanessa would brake
Where Cameron would brake
Where Ken (Cam's Dad) would brake
Where taxi drivers in Brisbane would brake
Where you crash / certain death
Where our "safe" Prague taxi driver braked.

Even though everyone has been telling us, the first thing I did notice is that Prague is a beautiful city. The buildings in Praha 1 where we are are staying are just like the movies. From our room we can see the park and the castle is just behind us.

We had a little wander through the streets last night in search of dinner and money, both of which were accomplished. Then (as in Seoul) we crashed. On the bright side though we seem to have missed Jet Lag and have settled into the new time zone (about 8 hours behind Brisbane).

Today we're off to explore (probably take some photos) and grab a tour around the city. Despite my fears it's been surprisingly easy to get around not knowing a word of the language.

Cameron and Vanessa


  1. Glad you guys are going well keep blogging, it's like you haven't left.

  2. guys, have a nice trip and i want photos...... :)

  3. :P Hope you are having a fabulous time in Prague. I found your blog all by myself(insert proud looking face). You should have inserted after Prague taxi driver; Where a Chinese taxi driver would break!See you when you get back.

  4. Check here for my go at Prague and some ideas.

    The best things I can recommend are the night time ghost tours of old Prague, and you must simply must go to a cafe on the square and eat goulash and sweet czech dumplings (with fruit... and fresh cottage cheese and.... nnnngrgh). Other than that climbing the tour at Prague Castle is scarey as shite (don't do it if claustrophobic) but totally awesome.
