Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Europe 2007 - Barcelona, Antequera, Cordoba and Ronda (and sweet, sweet internet)

Hi All,

First of all Vanessa says sorry for all the birthday wishes! (and thanks for all the comments)

Also I only just discovered that those other posts were missing the body so here´s a bit of an update.

Our flight from Prague was the fantastic flying over snow capped alps. We got in late in the afternoon but still managed some sight seeing as it was still light until about 8. After wandering through the La Rambla down to the ¨beach¨we found a little cafe (Taxidermista Restaurant Barcelona *best Patatas Bravas we´ve had) in a square and I stumbled through my first order in Spanish.
The next two days we got some bus tickets and managed our way around all the big sights in Barcelona (hightlights being La Sagrada Familia, the MNAC, the Park Guell). I continued to murder the Spanish language with food orders but I haven´t ended up with anything I didn´t order. We had some great Paella at Antic Olimpic.
Barcelona was fun (I would have been happy with another day or so), but Vanessa didn´t enjoy it as much as I did. Still, we saw the standard stuff - the Gaudi fun in particular was interesting. We took a Bus Touristic to save having to do too much thinking, which paid off in terms of stress levels, especially with a tour around at night highlighting all the monuments.

Our day to Antequera was a little eventful, Vanessa had failed to mention that she didn´t know where we were staying, didn´t have any transport organised, didn´t have a map and we´d managed to loose our phrase book. She also choose tell me this as we at Malaga bus station from the airport. My favourite quote was ¨It´s not like things aren´t planned out there just not tied down. I knew we had to catch a bus¨. I said we probably need some firmer details next time. Fortunately we managed to stumble through the Spanish and pointing to get us the tickets and arranged to meet Amanda and Tom at the bus station so we managed to get there without too much hassle. There were a few stressful moments after 4 or 5 local people came up to ask us questions in Spanish (A couple I answered with the time and the others I brushed off with I don´t understands... Also there was a decidedly ¨over the hedge¨moment after arriving at the bus station (which is in the middle of no where) and trying to get some snacks :)

Our next two days we spent exploring Antequera, which is very picturesqe but quiet. Nice after the hussle of Barcelona. Yesterday we have explored Cordoba, specifically visiting the Mezquita, which has a Christian church inside it. Very interesting.
The Restaurante El Churrasco is famous for their meat dishes and they showed it with the acres of meat we had for lunch. The best meat I´ve ever had and by far the most! I even managed to try some Black Pudding. We did eat so much that I had to skip dinner though.

Today was off to Ronda to see the bull ring and the gorge. A nice relaxed day and the afternoon will be spent looking for churros. It´s currently 36 degrees here - and siesta time, but we don´t have a bed here :(

The rest of the week will be spent touring other town, which for Mandy and my sake had better have token internet access. It´s been a hard few days ...

I´m down from Murder of Spanish to just mutilate so ordering is no longer scary.

Talk soon
Cameron and Vanessa

Other things that have missed posts;
  • Lada spotting in Prague (the only place I´ve seen a lada and a Porsche parked next to each other)
  • Worst terrain is still Wet Cobble Stones
  • Tech is still going well I´m up to 8 rolls on the Ipod
  • Vanessa hasn´t bought any shoes yet
  • Cameron hasn´t bought any tech yet
  • There are more but they will have to wait.

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