Monday, August 06, 2007

Not much to report...

Apart from being back at work I don't have much else to report. The weekend, even though it felt really busy, I didn't really get up to much. Friday night we went for a quiet Pizza Caper's dinner at Tom and Susan's and they introduced us to this new show from the US called Burn Notice.
Most of Saturday was spent moving bits and pieces of furniture around. Some of the stuff in our place we no longer wanted around went to the dump and we picked up some more storage pieces. It was very satisfying throwing the couch into the Pit at Nudgee! Yesterday was just a precession of Singing, Soccer, Singing and taking the car back that did all the transporting (thanks Dad, it's not like MinX is much of a couch transport option). In the end I didn't get around to a single bit of gaming or movie watching.

Tonight I do aim to rectify this with, at the very least, watching (possible the best ever) Top Gear episode and after that might flick on a DooVDe. (On Doovdes) I'm still looking for a replacement DVD player with HDMI since the Toshiba has started playing up. Some discs it's stopped recognising all together, some it simply pauses every 10 secs and others play without a hiccup. The front runners are the Pioneer DV-696 and the Yamaha DV-659. The Yamaha is the choice from a matching point of view but the Pioneer does get some great reviews, and I would consider the Onkyo DV-SP404 after the great success with my last Onkyo (which the Toshiba replaced).

Well that's about it for this post, I'm off to work for the day... more on the DooVDe player hunt later....

1 comment:

  1. licda Tv - ahhh fonejacker that is the funniest thing I have seen for a while
