Friday, August 24, 2007

Another Trip to Melbourne

This week I made it back to Melbourne again for a quick 2 day visit. I did get to stay in one of my favourite hotels, The Royce. Named after the Rolls Royce dealership that used to be on the site. It's a fabulous hotel with a brilliant interior design and extremely well appointed, to the point that every room has a 42 inch plasma.
On the downside for this trip though was my laptop backpack gave up the ghost.It's served me well, I bought it back at my last job when I was riding to work and needed some way to get my laptop to work. So about 4 years of hard service is pretty good from any laptop bag. My booq bag has only just managed to last 2 years.
I'm writing this in the cab as I'm travelling to work and I just saw someone riding a segway to work... OMG! I just couldn't get my phone out in time to get a photo.... I wonder if is name was Gob?
So after that little segway (gee I'm witty) I'm going to have to track down a new laptop back before I fly back. Hopefully I can find one with a built in laptop sleeve as well.

The weather down here as been quite un-Melbourne, despite a little chilly its been fine and sunny. I even had lunch outside alfresco style yesterday it was so mild. Today it's currently 12 degrees but I think in the sun it will probably warm up a fair bit.

This has possibly been the longest Cab ride I've ever had in Melbourne, I'm not sure if the traffic is particularly bad or the hotel is just in a bad spot to get out of but I've been in here since 8:35 and I've only just made it to the freeway. At least having my laptop charged and good wireless broadband coverage means I can actually get something done while I'm sitting here (I'm at my small talk limit for a Cab ride... I can only really do it for about 40-45 mins)

Well I should probably get back to some really work.

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