Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The new arrival is here!!!

The Epson made it home this afternoon... As Ben reported earlier it's not yet mounted. Due to body corp rules I couldn't hammer drill into the concrete after 6 so I couldn't mount the screen. Also I don't have the mounting bracket for the Projector yet so all the test runs were done on the wall. Despite the poor surface it still really good image and I must admit even with the lights on the Dynamic setting made a very watchable picture. The colours were a little off but you can't complain with a 70" image on the wall with all the lights in the place on.

Tomorrow's job is to find a projector mount to get this thing securely on the wall. My pick so far is the Vogels EPM 6560. The best bit it comes in two sections; one you mount to the wall/celling and the other to the projector, then you simply lock them together. Much easier than trying to do it all in one go whilst balancing atop a ladder. There is a tour of the system if you're keen to see how it works.

I also realised (while I was asleep) that I can wire the whole system without the need for another switch box. Currently my Yamaha does component switching for 2 inputs. If I run both a component and HDMI lead then the PVR and Game console can switch off the Yamaha and I can run a HDMI input for the DVD straight to the Projector. It does mean running two cables but I think I've found a way to conceal most of that run. It's amazing the things you think of during you sleep. It will mean a slight re-wire of the cables to the Loewe but nothing too drastic.

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