Monday, July 23, 2007

As I've got a bit of time...

It's pretty quiet here in the airport (and there's not much else I can do as everything is closed), so here's an early morning post. (And in addition to the last post...
4. There is no where open to buy a coffee
5. The lounge is still closed)
6. The sun isn't up

Now back to the post....

We had another huge weekend this weekend. Although friday nigth wasn't a huge party night it was a big night of carrying "the worlds heaviest bed". The new Cabrio Desk Bed by Clei turned up on Friday Morning (while I was in Melbourne and Ben was in Bundaberg) and the delivery men kindly decided that they weren't capable of getting the bed any further than the Foyer of our unit block. In a way I can't blame them this bed weighs a good 200-300 kilos. I know this because Ben and I thought we'd try getting the bed in Lift at the other end of the Unit block only to discover it was about 5cm too long/wide and had to carry it the whole way back.
Even on Saturday when we'd taken the top off and had 4 people to help it was still heavy. It's up stairs now and in the room but I don't want to be around when we have to move it out again. As a result of all the carrying I still have a sore sholder but hopefully it will be better by the time I get back

The rest of weekend was filled with Tupperware party, Kids' Birthday Parties, Concerts, Visits to the New Parents and various eatings out.

The Projector and the Coffee maker were big hits at the Tupperware party (especially when a few sessions of Wii tennis got going). Thankfully it was early on Saturday morning so I could rope Craig and Tom into helping me get that bed upstairs.

I'm off to Melbourne again this morning. Hoepfully it's not as cold as it was last week although I've gone prepared just in case. This weekend we're off to Tassie but I was astounded at how expensive the flights were. It will take more than all of my points to get one of us there where I could get both of us to Melbourne and back...

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