Sunday, June 03, 2007

Poor Fish 2.0

Got home from our weekend to Sydney (more on that in a little) to discover poor Fish 2.0 in the bottom of the tank not moving. I though he was dead but he pirked up after I got the lights at home on... He doesn't look so great though.

He seems to be doing ok even though his condition looked terminal. I found some info on the web that says it's treatable so I'll pick something up on the way home tomorrow and hopefully get him on the mend. He's still eating which is a good sign.


  1. poor fish! and poor Cam and Ness. I know how upsetting it is when your fish is sick. I hope he gets better soon!


  2. Pauline recently got two fighting fish as well and discovered that they like water temperature at about 20-30 degrees - the warmer the better. She's handling this by placing a lamp over their tank which keeps them toasty.

    I just wondered if you have a heater or something in there?

  3. I tried that with Fish v1.0. I had a lamp over the tank and it got too hot and ended up cooking them!

  4. Doesn't look good cam...this is what happened to Fishee. He had the eye thing too.
