Sunday, May 27, 2007

The Non Gaming version of the room

This weekend (as well as a fair bit of gaming) I actually put the gaming room to it's second use. I had a some work to do over the weekend and I didn't realise how useful having dual screen at home would be... No need to keep alt-tabbing to check how the processes are going on my dev boxes... it's just all there on the gaming screen. It's actually made the space a great place to work. See still 50% to go!

I'm onto yet another DS game (it's all Dr. Butler's fault!). I've finished enough of Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin for my next review. I had every intention of cruising head long into Age of Empires or Children of Mana but I've been well and truly side tracked with Puzzle Quest. It's an interesting (and surprisingly deep) combination of a Tradition (as in D&D) RPG and a puzzle title. I was pretty sceptical about the game but now I've played it I'm totally hooked. I played a few multiplayer battles and the combat system (which is somewhat Zookeeper like) is easy to pick up. The only disappointment is it's note Nintendo Wifi Compatible so I can't play online.

This weekend has been pretty busy with all the normal singing commitments plus birthday parties, coffee drop ins and soccer matches.

I managed to resist picking up a PS2 this weekend for the Guitar Hero games and God of War. I just feed my need with some Ouendan and Gauntlet: Seven Sorrows. There hasn't been much online time lately as most of my regular online opponents have been held up with other committments. I have managed a few Metroid Battles but I've been keeping my eye out for some DS titles with co-op online play but sadly they've been few and far between. Most of the games that (I believe) lend themselves to some online play (ie the turnbased strategies of Advance wars and Age of Empires) haven't scored online modes in any of the current iterations.

With a pretty busy week ahead it's unlikely there will be much more than bus gaming until the weekend trip to Sydney for Socceroos friendly with Uruguay. Should be a great match to watch and a good trip to Sydney for the weekend. (Hopefully Ben gets into gear and gets a DS before we go down so we've got a few more for multiplayer sessions)...

Well my Dev box is back up.... that's all for now :)

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