Sunday, May 13, 2007

My cousin discovers the internet... (and other ramblings)

It's hard to imagine (well for me anyway) anyone not being on the 'net... However my littlest cousin has just got her laptop as is claiming her space on the web... She's on myspace and fast discovering the joys (or evils) of iTunes and eBay. It's nice to have another random chat buddy though :)

We took the wind blocker upgraded MinX for a test run down to Bethania today (for Ness's soccer match) and the upgrade has passed with flying colours. The reduction of wind in the cabin is more than I'd expected, to the point where the fan is actually useful on it's lowest setting. It meant that even in the cool night air I could have the heat on 1 and keep the cabin toasty warm. If you've got a NA and find the wind in over the back a bit much it's worth tracking down an NB wind blocker.

There's been the odd patch of rain around tonight. Nothing of significance but just enough to keep the plants on my balcony green and lend some soothing background noise to the evening. It's certainly not going to break the drought but it gives some hope that there's rain out there...

Anyway it's bed time for me. I've got to sing tomorrow and I think I've got the solo in Bairstow's Let all mortal flesh keep silence. At least I won't be hung over as I was during the recording on Friday. :)

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