Sunday, March 25, 2007

A weekend of Concerts, Sandbanks and B&Bs…

It’s been yet another big weekend. First of all was a concert at the Cathedral on Saturday night. Saturday was our anniversary so unfortunately most of the anniversary plans had to go on hold for the concert. The concert was a combined event with the Qld Choir and St John’s Cathedral Choir. It’s the first concert where I’ve ever had billing and the first billing since a Musical theatre number. I had to perform Canticle II: Abraham and Isaac for alto (or countertenor), tenor, and piano by Benjamin Britten. I was really happy with how it went. I think it’s the proudest I’ve ever been of a public performance. It went almost exactly as I’d hope (or been able to do in rehearsals). I managed to keep any nerves at bay and only stumbled with one or two mistakes I’m not sure any one noticed which I thought was pretty good for a 15-20min work. It was great that so many of my friends could make it to see the show… (I think a lot of thanks has to go to Vanessa for pimping the concert out so much). All in all I’m just glad the whole concert went off well for my first big show!

Today we went out boating on my Dad’s and my Uncle’s boats. It was my Dad’s boat’s second outing in the water in its 3 year history. Its lack of sea time has earned it the affectionate name “Dry Dock”. We weren’t treated to the best weather so we had to call the trip off a bit early… My Uncle tried for a short cut on the way back to the mooring in his bay cruiser “Raven” but landed himself on a sand bank. I ferried a few of the stranded passengers back to dry land as the storm rain moved in. The water was pretty choppy and canopy didn’t stop much of the rain so it was a little unpleasant on the way back to help out on the beached cruiser. After a bit of rocking on the bow we rocked it off the sand and all headed back in safe and sound… The wind made coming along side a tricky task as I haven’t piloted a boat for about 10 years… It was a nice little outing to the water though… The “Raven” is a great cruiser, made me a little envious and ignited a passion for my own little sailor…

I’m working in Toowoomba this week so we postponed our Anniversary until this evening and booked ourselves into a lovely B&B. I would highly recommend Lauriston House if you need a quiet relaxing time. I only have a half day tomorrow and I think Ness is going to relax through some shopping and some reading.

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