Thursday, December 07, 2006

Wii won Twiivia!!

We've been doing trivia for a few weeks and tonight was a stella night. We do Harry's Trivia over at Morningside. All of us managed to pull ourselves away from our new Wii purchases and forfeited a trip to watch the Roar but it was worth it. First of all Robert won the first Oi question of the night. (who am I style question and the first to yell out Oi with the correct answer wins a bottle of wine) We'd been trying to win one for ages.

This week we were happy just to beat Droopy McGovern who had been the stand out team over the last few weeks. We had some solid rounds throughout the night and nothing outstanding always managing to keep our noses in front. We did manage a perfect round with the Bonus and Puzzle questions which really helped our cause.

Our final score sheet came back with a score of 88/100, we've had better scores and our last round of 12/16 wasn't so great.

When the scores started it was looking promising, by the time we got to 5th place and they were still in the 70s we thought we were in with a shot of the top three. However Victory was ours by 1 point!!! Woohoo... our first trivia win, turns out it was worth leaving the Wii and missing the Roar.

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