Monday, December 11, 2006

Wii Update the blog!

Amy's already had got her wii update in so I thought I should have mine up...
  1. Wii Sports is great... I haven't really played anything else.
  2. Coming home to see you drive glowing blue... Oooh I've got something new!
  3. The Virtual Console is great. Easy to find some great titles and the downloads are almost instant. (Being able to use the Wiimote as well for things like Golden Axe is great)
  4. The Miis are great fun!
  5. The Photo Channel integrates perfectly with Ness's Pentax camera so not only can I slot the SD card in and see the photos, I can also watch movies taken on the camera!
  6. I can email from the wii to other Wiis and to other email addresses (including sending the photos!)
  7. The "Just one more Game" scenario is worse than ever with this.
  8. All my Gamecube titles work (not that I've tried them) so if I ever get sick of playing wii games I'll be able to look for some cheap 'Cube titles
As Amy said, the console is well and truly targeted at the non gamer! Wii play is definitely the title that gets people into the console, it was a brilliant marketing move to pack it into the consle. On the downside my shoulder is actually sore from playing so much tennis!

Ness is going hard on the Wii tonight although she has failed to read the warnings and has managed to get a Wiinjury and knock the coffee table and all the tupperware/glassware at the TV... (was pretty funny to watch)

First of all a few photos from the Party Friday night and dinner Sunday Night

Ben tries his golf swing in baseball

Ness and Tom go a few inning of Baseball

Boxing anyone?

Nice bowling form Tom!

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