Wednesday, November 01, 2006

New Haircut

Got my hair cut today, not exactly a world shattering event.. but I did get it done at a new Salon that's just opened around the corner. They were great so I thought I'd do my bit to plug the new business.

They are called Pureman and they are on Albert St. just down from the corner of Charlotte. The place is decked out really well with mini LCD panels in the mirrors showing of various DVDs. As the guy said to me "If your stylists conversation sucks just tune out and watch the show" can't get much more of an incentive to ignore them than that. (It is a bit distracting though if you are trying to be polite and talk to them while you're getting your cut) It also makes it easier if you run out of "local sporting team" type conversation topics (without having to resort to my current spout of Ninty Fanboy conversation).

Classic Razor

Admittedly the cool little toy like things in the window got me in (yes I know, I'm always a sucker for a gadget). It's a head shaver for those going for the skin head look (where I'm destined). Makes it easier to shave your head, just like combing apparently. The Headblade comes in a Classic and Sport version.

Hair cut was great, a little more expensive than the last place, but included a cut throat shave and facial hair shaping. They had the hot towel at the end which just makes it all worth while... lemon scented and all!

If you're around town and need a cut... may as well check them out... (the also have a full online store for grooming products and a compolation of useless PureGenius facts)

1 comment:

  1. Got a haircut myself today while at work. Was contemplating blogging but now don't want to be considered a Cam Fanboy or start a haircut blog war like you and Ben got going on with Wiiiiiiiiiii....
