Wednesday, November 22, 2006

I've Wii-ed (Ok so probably the worst pun I've used so far)

So I've actually got my hands on a Wiimote and played some games of Wii Sports (Tennis specifically). Let me just say it's great.. Or to coin a Mario Hoops phrase "Fantastico!"

I managed just enough games to make a set but it was enough to know why so many people in the US are raving about Wii sports after launch.
I discovered it was a Myer at lunch and had one quick game of tennis. It was so easy to pick up the controller and play just like tennis. Learning curve... almost zero, well except for this guy I watch tonight but more on that later.
Popped back with Valavien after work for another 3 games (would have been more if we could have). So with one game up I was a little bit ahead and won the first game. Game two Valavien had the hang of it and the trash talking started. Game three we're both fully into it. Overhead smashes, long rallies, chip shots and volleys from the net. Great fun.. and most of all we just wanted to play more and we both had a smile on our face. I can see how people have played it for 7+ hours without a break! Multiplayer is definitely the key and the mapping to the controller is fantastic.
Then with Myer having a special VIP sale tonight the store was open until 9pm Ness and I popped back after some shopping for a go. First time there the (somewhat useless) Nintendo girl was endlessly trying to get one guy to hit one ball. The guy was not terribly co-ordinated, but really how hard is to work out Tennis!? Has the guy lived under a rock... the ball comes toward you, swing the racket, hit ball. Is it that hard? For this guy... yes... I'm only ranting so much because I watch the girl serve ball after ball after ball only for it to hit the wall with no swing. So after watching 3 sets worth of serves we gave up (along with many other bystanders) and when back to shopping. A few purchases later we stopped by and got our go. Game one: With the extra practice I won, but ness was starting to put up a good fight. Game two: Ness was on serve and after her second serve she'd worked out the power serve a few aces later and the game was hers. Game Three: I tried for the power serve but failed. Went to Deuce, a few advantages and in the end I won.
Awesome fun, we both loved it. I think Nintendo have come up with the good packing in this title. It might not be the worlds deepest game but it's going to be the best party multiplayer for a while!
Like I needed an excuse to want this console more but I think today was it. The best thing is the console will be there until the 26th November.
So in light of the Multiplayerness and the Looming Launch I think I'll be having a Wii Play party after launch for sure! Bring your Wiimotes!


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